Scientific and research activities at the Faculty of Sciences have been carried out within the projects which have involved more than 250 PhD holders and about 100 younger researchers in the fields of science, mathematics and social sciences: chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics and informatics, environmental protection, geography and tourism.

The Faculty of Sciences has participated in about 100 national projects (the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia in the group of fundamental research, technological development, integrated and interdisciplinary research, as well as in long-term and short-term projects of special interest for the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research of the AP Vojvodina).

In addition to the nationally funded projects, international projects and actions are highly important. At the moment, there are 40 ongoing international projects and actions within the following programmes: HORIZON 2020, Interreg (IPA CBC and Danube Transnational), COST, bilateral and multilateral collaborations, Erasmus, etc.

Ongoing projectsCompleted projects