• Project title: New technologies based on natural materials for the treatment and reuse of waste water (RETREAT)
  • Project number: H39J21005790008
  • Institutions participating in the project: Governing Body for waste and water resources of Basilicata region (EGRIB) (Italy); University of Basilicata, Department of Sciences (UB), Italy; Municipality of Potenza (CdP), Italy; Region of Ionian Islands (RII), Greece; University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj (USAMV), Romania; City hall Capusu Mare (CCM), Romania; Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
  • Status in the project: Partner
  • Project leader: Dragana Tamindžija
  • Project type: Basilicata 2014-2020 ERDF Regional Operational Programme (OP)
  • Period of realization: 2021-2023
  • Project website: https://www.retreat-project.eu