Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad
  +381-21-6-350-672               +381-21-454-065

About the department

The Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection was established in 1962. Over its more than half a century long history, it has become a recognisable institution in the country and abroad, famous for its accomplished students, scientists and their results.

There is a constant need for well-educated scientific experts in a contemporary society so science and technology have been growing with the special emphasis on chemistry, biochemistry and environmental protection.

  • Chair of Analytical Chemistry
  • Chair of Biochemistry and Chemistry of Natural Products
  • Chair of Chemical Technology and Environmental Protection
  • Chair of Chemistry Education and Teaching Methodology
  • Chair of General and Inorganic Chemistry
  • Chair of Organic Chemistry
  • Chair of Physical Chemistry


The studies at the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection are organised at all levels of tertiary education:

Bachelor of Science Degrees


Integrated Studies

Master of Science Degrees

PhD Degrees

An important part of each course comprises experimental, practice hours when students work independently and gain a necessary routine in laboratory work. The Department is well-equipped with the basic, as well as advanced equipment indispensable for modern laboratory work. This enables students to become highly educated experts in chemistry, biochemistry or environmental protection.

Fundamental and applied research in chemistry, biochemistry, environmental protection and similar disciplines are conducted at the Department. Scientific activity is carried out through numerous national and international projects. A large number of accredited laboratories contribute to a better co-operation with the industry and transfer of scientific results into practice.

Opportunities after graduation

Various employment opportunities arise upon the completion of bachelor or master academic studies depending on the completed study programme. Experts of such profiles are needed in various chemical laboratories in all branches of the industry, as well as in development, control, service, research laboratories, etc. Students may continue their personal development through specialised and/or doctoral studies.


Ongoing projects at the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection in 2020:

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