• Project title: Circular and Bio-Based Solutions for the Ultimate Prevention of Plastics in Rivers Integrated with Elimination And Monitoring Technologies (UPSTREAM)
  • Project number: 101112877
  • Institutions participating in the project: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences (R Serbia), iNeuvo Ltd (UK), Fundacion AITIIP (Spain), Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V. (Belgium), Acondicionamiento Tarrasense Associacion – Leitat (Spain), Kemijski Institut – National Institute of Chemistry (Slovenia), NOVA ID FCT – Associacao Para a Inovacao e Desenvolvimento da FCT (Portugal), Panepistimio Aigaiou – University of Aegean (Greece), University of Birmingham (UK), UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UK), Wasser 3.0 GmbH (Germany), Van Remmen UV Techniek B.V. (Netherlands), Nuevas Tecnologias Para el Desarrollo de Packaging y Productos Agroalimentarios Con Componente Plastica SL (Spain), Eden Microfluidic Technologies (France), Le Quere Boaxt (France), Think Ocean CIC (UK), Novamont SPA (Italy), Asociacion Cluster Para el Uso Eficiente Del Agua – Zinnae (Spain), Daphne Water Solutions Limited (UK), Severn Trent Water Limited (UK), Ecociudad Zaragoza (Spain), CAP Holding SPA (Italy)
  • Status in the project: Partner
  • Project leader: Aleksandra Tubić
  • Project type: HORIZON-MISS-2022-OCEAN-01-04
  • Period of realization: 1.9.2023-31.8.2027
  • Project website: https://upstream-project.eu