Dear colleagues,
Welcome to the website of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, the home of knowledge, science, decency and academic excellence!
Through sections dedicated to teaching, science, international cooperation and industry, we will try to share basic information with you.
From enrollment, through classes and exams, electronic editions, to final papers and the completion of studies, you will find reliable, relevant and timely information. The Faculty is constantly harmonizing its study programs with the labour market and new technologies, i.e., the need for new competencies and skills. However, the labour market is changing rapidly, many jobs are disappearing, and new ones are emerging. We teach our students to think and adapt to any situation. Talented and diligent people in a good environment can achieve extraordinary results, which means that we have to create such an environment here and that is our mission. The Faculty of Sciences has 23.5 thousand square metres of space, modern scientific equipment, a library with over 100,000 library items, an internationally registered herbarium with more than 180,000 specimens, but the most important are its human resources – over 400 teachers and associates, including members SANU, the most cited scientists in the country, but also among the 2% of the most cited scientists in the world according to Stanford’s list, winners of many awards and recognitions – in the “Achievements” section we present some of the most significant results of our students, teachers and associates.
The science section presents research groups, centers of exceptional value, laboratories, scientific gatherings organized by the Faculty, journals published by the Faculty, as well as projects – our researchers implement about 140 scientific research projects per year, and are the authors of over 300 scientific articles per year in prominent international journals. More than 40 projects were granted by the Science Fund. The segment of the development of innovative activity and technology transfer was improved through the projects of the Innovation Fund. Exceptional results were achieved on the extremely competitive Horizon projects, which is a result of well-established partnerships with scientific research organizations within the European Research Area, as well as mastering the skills of writing project proposals. In addition to the above, a large number of projects are implemented at the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, as well as bilateral and multilateral projects of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Interreg projects, Erasmus+ projects, COST actions and others.
PMF realizes comprehensive internationalization through teaching, science and services. The section dedicated to international cooperation brings the most important information about opportunities for academic mobility, as well as established international cooperation. Through academic mobility programs, students gain access to European educational institutions, thus becoming more competitive, multiculturally aware and capable of the global labor market and the increasingly demanding arena of higher education in Europe and the world.
The support for the creation of scientific youth has been provided through the involvement of young researchers in projects (the calls for proposals of the Science Fund, EU funds, APV) and through competitions of the Ministry of Employment and Scholarships. Currently, about 75 research interns and associates, as well as over 30 teaching assistants, are employed, which makes up about 25% of the total number of researchers, and about 20 doctoral students with scholarship awards are also employed. More than 300 doctoral students have been enrolled and they have been involved in the research that is conducted at the Faculty.
The cooperation with the industry is particularly important for the relevance of scientific research, as well as for the teaching process. Students prepare for the work process through practical work in the industry. We have excellent cooperation with a large number of companies, and our students are in demand, both for their professional knowledge and knowledge of foreign languages, as well as for their decency and good upbringing. In addition, our students are actively involved in the work of the Faculty, in promotional activities, as well as humanitarian activities, such as voluntary blood donation.
Special attention is paid to environmental protection and sustainable development activities. At PMF, a large number of projects in these areas are implemented, and students organize waste collection and recycling actions through student associations. Through diverse and modern study programs, high-class science, cooperation with the industry and the public sector, as well as support for the sustainable development goals, we are building a “Green PMF”.
Dear colleagues, you have made a great choice to study, work at or collaborate with the Faculty of Sciences. I wish you a pleasant stay on the PMF website!
Prof. Sr Srđan Rončević, the Dean