Institutions participating in the project: “The Lower Danube” University in Galați (UDJG), Romania; Autonomous region “Lower Danube River Administration” Galati (AFDJ), Romania; EDEN TECH (EDEN), France; Association Romanian River Transport Cluster (RRTC), Romania; European Council of Transport Users (ESC), Belgium; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), Israel; University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences (UNSPMF), Serbia; University of Novi Sad Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN), Serbia; EDENTIFY FOUNDATION MTU (EF), Estonia; Eigen Vermogen Flanders Hydraulics (FH), Belgium; National Administration “Romanian Waters” (NAAR), Romania; National Ecological Centre of Ukraine (NECU), Ukraine; University of Vienna (UNIVIE), Austria; Hydro Proiect Invest SRL (HPI), Romania; F6S Network Ireland Limited (F6S), Ireland; Danube Hydro-meteorological Observatory (DHMO), Ukraine; Marine Research SRL (MR), Romania; Executive Agency for Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River (EAEMDR), Bulgaria; Public water company “Vode Vojvodina” (PWMCVV), Serbia; Pro Danube Management GMBH (PDM), Austria
Status in the project: Partner
Project leader:Aleksandra Tubić (Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection)
Project type: HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions