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To a Fair, Inclusive, Circular and Healthy cities: Valorisation of phosphogypsum wastes into commercial products through sustainable and circular processes (FIC-FIGHTERS)

  • Project title: To a Fair, Inclusive, Circular and Healthy cities: Valorisation of phosphogypsum wastes into commercial products through sustainable and circular processes (FIC-FIGHTERS)
  • Project number: Call: HORIZON-CL6-2023-CIRCBIO-02; Topic: HORIZON-CL6-2023-CircBio-02-1-two-stage
  • Institutions participating in the project: IDENER Research and Development A.I.E (IDE), Spain; University of Seville (USE), Spain; Magtel Operaciones Sl. (MO), Spain; Tharsis Mining, S.L. (TMM), Spain; Åbo Akademi (ABO), Finland; Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia AD Skopje (CEIM), Republic of North Macedonia; Wrocław University of Science and Technology (PWR), Poland; University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences (UNS), Serbia; National Research Council (CNR), Italy; Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK), Belgium; Prehnit d.o.o. (PRE), Croatia; CAPTURACO2 SL (CCO2), Spain; Association for Research and Development of Innovations and Technologies for the Protection of Environmental, Social and Cultural Heritage (ARDI), France; European Federation of Geologists (EFG), Belgium; University of Huelva (UHU), Spain; Asistencias Técnicas Clave, S.L. (ATC), Spain; Persán S.A. (PER), Spain; Cementos La Cruz, S.L. (CC), Spain; Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain; Torraspapel S.A. (LECTA), Spain; Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research (FRAUNHOFER), Germany; ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA), France; Christeyns NV (CHR), Belgium; Energy City Foundation – CIUDEN, F.S.P. (CIU), Spain; Municipality of Barreiro (MBAR), Portugal
  • Status in the project: Partner
  • Project leader: Nataša Todorović, Department of Physics
  • Project type: HORIZON Innovation Actions
  • Period of realization: 01.06.2024-31.05.2028
  • Project website:

Innovative sediment management framework for a SUstainNable DANube black SEa system (SUNDANSE)

  • Project title: Innovative sediment management framework for a SUstainNable DANube black SEa system (SUNDANSE)
  • Project number: Call: HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-01; Topic: HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-01-02
  • Institutions participating in the project: “The Lower Danube” University in Galați (UDJG), Romania; Autonomous region “Lower Danube River Administration” Galati (AFDJ), Romania; EDEN TECH (EDEN), France; Association Romanian River Transport Cluster (RRTC), Romania; European Council of Transport Users (ESC), Belgium; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), Israel; University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences (UNSPMF), Serbia; University of Novi Sad Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN), Serbia; EDENTIFY FOUNDATION MTU (EF), Estonia; Eigen Vermogen Flanders Hydraulics (FH), Belgium; National Administration “Romanian Waters” (NAAR), Romania; National Ecological Centre of Ukraine (NECU), Ukraine; University of Vienna (UNIVIE), Austria; Hydro Proiect Invest SRL (HPI), Romania; F6S Network Ireland Limited (F6S), Ireland; Danube Hydro-meteorological Observatory (DHMO), Ukraine; Marine Research SRL (MR), Romania; Executive Agency for Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River (EAEMDR), Bulgaria; Public water company “Vode Vojvodina” (PWMCVV), Serbia; Pro Danube Management GMBH (PDM), Austria
  • Status in the project: Partner
  • Project leader: Aleksandra Tubić (Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection)
  • Project type: HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions
  • Period of realization: 3.6.2024-2.6.2028
  • Project website: