- Project title: Estimating trophic levels of the Danube floodplains using specific UAV photogrammetry
- Project number: 142-451-2095/2022
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project leader: Dušanka Cvijanović
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2022-2023
Status of Cabomba caroliniana A. Gray in Vojvodina: distribution, functional characteristics, invasive potential and prediction of spread
- Project title: Status of Cabomba caroliniana A. Gray in Vojvodina: distribution, functional characteristics, invasive potential and prediction of spread
- Project number: 142-451-2213/2022
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project leader: Dragana Vukov
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2022-2023
Experience design and nature conservation via VIsitor MOnitoring and MAnagement in protected areas (VIMOMA)
- Project title: Experience design and nature conservation via VIsitor MOnitoring and MAnagement in protected areas (VIMOMA)
- Project number: 22210176
- Institutions participating in the project: Jagiellonian University (Poland); Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia; Matej Bel University (Slovakia); CEEweb for Biodiversity (Hungary); Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader from UNSPMF: Đorđije Vasiljević (Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management)
- Project type: Visegrad+ Grants
- Period of realization: June 2022 – December 2023
- Project website: www.ceeweb.org/vimoma
Science driven improvement of nuclear data (SINDA)
- Project title: Science driven improvement of nuclear data (SINDA)
- Institutions participating in the project: University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences (Serbia) and TU München (Dr. Christian STIEGHORST; Germany)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Nikola Jovančević (Department of Physics)
- Project type: Bilateral scientific project between Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and Deutcher Akademischer Austauschdienst – DAAD
- Period of realization: 2022-2023
Homogeneity notions for separable metric spaces and their generalizations
- Project title: Homogeneity notions for separable metric spaces and their generalizations
- Institutions participating in the project: University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences (Serbia) and TU Bergakade-mie Freiberg (Prof. Friedrich Martin SCHNEIDER; Germany)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Maja Pech (Department of Mathematics and Informatics)
- Project type: Bilateral scientific project between Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and Deutcher Akademischer Austauschdienst – DAAD
- Period of realization: 2022-2023
New molecules with antimicrobial, anticancer and antiviral effects: alternative solutions for three of the main health and social emergencies – AAA (SAFE SOS)
- Project title: New molecules with antimicrobial, anticancer and antiviral effects: alternative solutions for three of the main health and social emergencies – AAA (SAFE SOS)
- Project number: C39J20001750002
- Institutions participating in the project: University of Basilicata – UniBas, Department of Sciences, Italy; Institute of Hospitalization and Scientific Care – Basilicata Regional Oncology Center – IRCCS CROB, Italy; Research, diagnosis and treatment in oncology – molecular oncology, Italy; University of Catania – UniCt –Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, Italy; Università di Giessen – Institute for Insect Biotechnology, Germany; University of Ioannina – UoI Department of Chemistry, Greece; University of Novi Sad – UNS Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology and Ecology (Serbia)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Željko Popović (zeljko.popovic@dbe.uns.ac.rs)
- Project type: Basilicata 2014-2020 ERDF Regional Operational Programme (OP)
- Period of realization: 2021-2023
The Geography of New Working Spaces and the Impact on the Periphery
- Project title: The Geography of New Working Spaces and the Impact on the Periphery
- Project number: CA18214
- Institutions participating in the project: www.cost.eu/actions/CA18214/#tabs|Name:parties
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Uglješa Stankov (Mc member); Miroslav Vujičić (MC substitute)
- Project type: COST action
- Period of realization: 2019-2023
- Project website: www.nmbu.no/en/projects/new-working-spaces
Research on Failure Mechanism and Prediction of Automotive Power Battery under Repeated Impact
- Project title: Research on Failure Mechanism and Prediction of Automotive Power Battery under Repeated Impact
- Project number: 451-02-818/2021-09/07
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Ningbo University of Technology, China
- Status in the project: Coordinator (Serbian side)
- Project leader: Snežana Papović
- Project type: Bilateral Cooperation Serbia – China
- Period of realization: 2021-31.12.2023
Structural and molecular basis underlying uptake and partitioning of cadmium in common bean: the “excluder” mechanism and implications for breeding
- Project title: Structural and molecular basis underlying uptake and partitioning of cadmium in common bean: the “excluder” mechanism and implications for breeding
- Project number: 451-02-818/2021-09/10
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and China Jiliang University
- Status in the project: Coordinator (Serbian side)
- Project leader: Lana Zorić
- Project type: Bilateral Cooperation Serbia – China
- Period of realization: 2021-31.12.2023
Improving Non-Destructive Laboratory Based and In-Situ Measuring Methods to Respond to a Nuclear Security Event
- Project title: Improving Non-Destructive Laboratory Based and In-Situ Measuring Methods to Respond to a Nuclear Security Event
- Project number: 23159
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Jovana Nikolov
- Project type: International Atomic Energy Agency
- Period of realization: 2019-2023