Ongoing projectsCompleted projects
International Projects and Actions
- Project title: A Global Approach for Recovery of Arable Land through Improved Phytoremediation Coupled with Advanced Liquid Biofuel Production and Climate Friendly Copper Smelting Process (Phy2Climate)
- Project number: 101006912
- Institutions participating in the project: ITS Förderberatung GmbH (the coordinator), Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V, Aurubis AG, Acondicionamiento Tarrasense Association – Leitat, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Politechnika Śląska, Energia, Trasporti, Agricoltura S.r.l. – ETA, Universiteit Hasselt – UHasselt, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria – INTA, University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences, Biovala, Public Watermanagement Company Vode Vojvodine, Litoclean SL, Compania Logistica de Hidrocarburos CLH, S.A., Compania Logistica de Hidrocarburos CLH, S.A., Trägerverein Umwelttechnologie-Cluster Bayern e.V. – Umweltcluster Bayern, Central University of Jharkhand (international linked 3rd party)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project coordinator for UNSPMF team: Snežana Maletić (Department of Chemistry, email:
- Project type: Horizon 2020, Call H2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020 (RIA)
- Period of realization: 01.01.2021 – 30.06.2025 (54 months)
- Project website:
- Project title: Circular and Bio-Based Solutions for the Ultimate Prevention of Plastics in Rivers Integrated with Elimination And Monitoring Technologies (UPSTREAM)
- Project number: 101112877
- Institutions participating in the project: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences (R Serbia), iNeuvo Ltd (UK), Fundacion AITIIP (Spain), Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V. (Belgium), Acondicionamiento Tarrasense Associacion – Leitat (Spain), Kemijski Institut – National Institute of Chemistry (Slovenia), NOVA ID FCT – Associacao Para a Inovacao e Desenvolvimento da FCT (Portugal), Panepistimio Aigaiou – University of Aegean (Greece), University of Birmingham (UK), UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UK), Wasser 3.0 GmbH (Germany), Van Remmen UV Techniek B.V. (Netherlands), Nuevas Tecnologias Para el Desarrollo de Packaging y Productos Agroalimentarios Con Componente Plastica SL (Spain), Eden Microfluidic Technologies (France), Le Quere Boaxt (France), Think Ocean CIC (UK), Novamont SPA (Italy), Asociacion Cluster Para el Uso Eficiente Del Agua – Zinnae (Spain), Daphne Water Solutions Limited (UK), Severn Trent Water Limited (UK), Ecociudad Zaragoza (Spain), CAP Holding SPA (Italy)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Aleksandra Tubić
- Project type: HORIZON-MISS-2022-OCEAN-01-04
- Period of realization: 1.9.2023-31.8.2027
- Project website:
- Project title: Twinning excellence on organic soil amendments effect on nutrient and contaminant dynamics in the subsurface (TwinSubDyn)
- Project number: 101059546
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), University of Vienna, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Spanish National Research Council -Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla and Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project coordinator for UNSPMF team: Snežana Maletić
- Project type: HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-02-01
- Period of realization: 1.8.2022.-31.7.2025.
- Project website:
- Project title: Twinning for Smart Water – Thinking and Rethinking Wastewater Management in Circular Economy Frame (SmartWaterTwin)
- Project number: 101060110
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne (France) (Француска), Fundació Institut Català de Recerca de l’Aigua (ICRA) (Spain)
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project leader: Đurđa Kerkez (Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection)
- Project type: Horizon Europe (HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-02-01 – Twinning Western Balkans Special)
- Period of realization: 1 September 2022 – 31 August 2025
- Project website:
- Project title: A new screening method for using in the directed evolution of human steroid-metabolizing enzymes
- Project number: 337-00-00230/2022-09/09
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Suzana Jovanović-Šanta (Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection)
- Project type: Bilateral collaboration Serbia – Belarus
- Period of realization: 2022-2024
- Project title: Novel steroid derivatives for anticancer drug development
- Project number: 337-00-577/2021-09/27
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and University of Vienna
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Marina Savić (Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection)
- Project type: Bilateral collaboration Serbia – Austria
- Period of realization: 2022-2024
- Project title: Sustainable and cost-effective production of drinking water from eutrophic and micro-polluted water using a membrane hybrid process (SUPREMES)
- Project number: 01DS21012A
- Institutions participating in the project: University Duisburg-Essen, Germany and University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Serbia
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Prof. Dr. -Ing. Stefan Panglisch, Germany and Prof. Dr. Ivana Ivančev-Tumbas, Serbia
- Project type: Forderüng von Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten zwischen Deutschland und den Westbalkanstaaten (WBC2019), Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung-BMBF
- Period of realization: 01.06.2021-31.05.2024
- Brief project info
- Project title: Development of Anticancer Agents for Drug-Resistant Cancers (DAADRAC)
- Project number: HR-RS00053
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek (Croatia)
- Status in the project: the main applicant
- Project leader: Srđan Bjedov (Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection)
- Project type: INTERREG IPA Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies
- Period of realization: 01.07.2024-31.12.2025
- Project title: Plastics monitoring detection remediation recovery (PRIORITY)
- Project number: CA20101
- Institutions participating in the project:
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Aleksandra Tubić (Action Vice Chair;
- Project type: COST action
- Period of realization: 19.10.2021 – 18.10.2025
- Project website:
- Project title: Protection, Resilience, Rehabilitation of damaged environment (PHOENIX)
- Project number: CA19123
- Institutions participating in the|Name:parties
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Snežana Maletić
- Project type: COST action
- Period of realization: 2020-2024
- Project website:
National Projects
- Project title: Novel Bio-linked Magnetite/geopolymer Composites in Phenol-containing Wastewater Treatment: Toward Zero-waste Technology (BioCompWaterClean)
- Project number: 7464
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Slavica Ražić (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade), Nenad Grba (coordinator-participant of the work package (WP4/T4.2) and leader of the work package (WP6) by the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad)
- Project type: Project of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia within the PRIZMA Program (field of technical and technological science)
- Period of realization: 2024-2027
Projects of the Provincial Secretariats of the AP Vojvodina
- Project title: Biochemical selection of garden roses with the aim of increasing the quality and market competitiveness of producers in Vojvodina
- Project number: 142-451-2658/2021
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Agriculture (Novi Sad), UNSPMF (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Mirjana Ljubojević (Marija Lesjak, UNSPMF team)
- Project type: APV Long-term
- Period of realization: 2021-2024
- Project title: Green approach to the strategy of developing new liquid medicinal substances
- Project number: 142-451-2545/2021
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), Faculty of Medicine (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project leader: Milan Vraneš
- Project type: APV Long-term
- Period of realization: 2021-2024
- Project title: Industrial symbiosis development in AP Vojvodina through valorization of fruit processing by-products with green technologies
- Project number: 142-451-2605/2021
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Technology (Novi Sad), UNSPMF (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Jovana Grahovac (Marija Lesjak, UNSPMF team)
- Project type: APV Long-term
- Period of realization: 2021-2024
- Project title: New steroid derivatives – potential chemotherapeutics
- Project number: 142-451-2667/2021-01
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Marina Savić
- Project type: APV long-term
- Period of realization: 2021-2024
- Project title: The use of biochar and recycled microplastics in the removal of specific pollutants from aqueous media – µPlastChar
- Project number: 142-451-2693/2021-01/2
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Maja Lončarski
- Project type: APV long-term
- Period of realization: 2021-2024
- Project title: Trichoderma fungi application in sustainable agriculture
- Project number: 142-451-2656/2021
- Institutions participating in the project: EDUCONS University (Sremska Kamenica), UNSPMF (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Gordana Racić (Neda Mimica Dukić, UNSPMF team)
- Project type: APV Long-term
- Period of realization: 2021-2024
- Project title: Application of photocatalytically active polymers biosynthesized on media with industrial effluents of AP Vojvodina
- Project number: 142-451-3166/2023-01/01
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), Faculty of Technology (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project leader: Sanja Armaković
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2023-2024
International Projects and Actions
- Project title: ICT Networking for Overcoming Technical and Social Barriers in Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Education (NetChem)
- Project number: 573885-EPP-1-2016-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
- Institutions participating in the project: University of Niš, University of Novi Sad and 7 institutions
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Ivana Ivančev Tumbas
- Project type: Erasmus KA2
- Period of realization: 2016-2020
- Project website:
- Project title: New technologies based on natural materials for the treatment and reuse of waste water (RETREAT)
- Project number: H39J21005790008
- Institutions participating in the project: Governing Body for waste and water resources of Basilicata region (EGRIB) (Italy); University of Basilicata, Department of Sciences (UB), Italy; Municipality of Potenza (CdP), Italy; Region of Ionian Islands (RII), Greece; University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj (USAMV), Romania; City hall Capusu Mare (CCM), Romania; Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Dragana Tamindžija
- Project type: Basilicata 2014-2020 ERDF Regional Operational Programme (OP)
- Period of realization: 2021-2023
- Project website:
- Project title: H2O PURE Nano-geopolymer based remediation techniques for groundwater purification (Concept of Sustainable material and residual Waste minimization)
- Project number: EU4TECH No: # 42
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Nenad Grba
- Project type: EU4Tech Proof of Concept
- Period of realization: 2021-2022
- Project title: Magnetite nanoparticles: a new approach for arsenic removal for small water utilities
- Project number: EU4TPOC-1592995466
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project coordinator: Malcolm Watson (Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection)
- Project type: EU4Tech Proof of Concept
- Period of realization: 01.09.2020.-31.12.2021
- Project website: tba
- Project summary:
- Project title: Nano-geopolymer based remediation techniques for groundwater purification (Concept of Sustainable material and residual Waste minimization – H2O PURE)
- Project number: EU4TECH No: # 42
- Institutions participating in the project: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project leader: Nenad Grba
- Project type: EU4TECH PoC 2021 Western Balkans
- Period of realization: till the end of 2021
- Project title: Biochar Technology for Agricultural Land Remediation: development of China-Serbia cooperative research center
- Project number: 19PTZWHZ00040
- Institutions participating in the project: College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (Novi Sad), Tianjin Institute of Agriculture Resource and Environment, Forest Farm Experimental Station in Tianjin
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Yueli Hao (Snežana Maletić – PMF)
- Project type: Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Bureau
- Period of realization: 01.10.2019-30.09.2021
- Project title: Investigation of microplastic influence on water resources
- Project number: 337-00-00227/2019-09/10
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and University of Aveiro
- Project leader: Aleksandra Tubić
- Project type: Bilateral collaboration Serbia – Portugal
- Period of realization: 2020-2021
- Project title: Nano zero valent iron supported on carbon base materials as novel composites for environmental application: Development and assessment (CarbIrON)
- Project number: 2020-RD-1-NANOBIOTECH
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), Joint Research Centre – European Commission
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project leader: Đurđa Kerkez
- Project type: Framework for Access to the Physical Research Infrastructure of the Joint Research Centre
- Period of realization: 2022
- Project title: New Liquid-based Formulations in Protection Against Causes of Wheat Diseases in the Pannonian Basin Region
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Agriculture (Osijek)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Milan Vraneš
- Project type: Bilateral Cooperation Serbia – Croatia
- Period of realization: 2019-2020
- Project title: Protection of Construction Materials in Coastline Conditions Using New Eco-friendly Inhibitors
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Maritime Studies (Kotor)
- Project leader: Đenđi Vaštag
- Project type: Bilateral collaboration Serbia – Montenegro
- Period of realization: 2019-2020
- Project title: Regulation of Steroids Endogenous to Inhibitors Cytochrome P450-dependent Monooxygenase: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Science, Belarus
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Suzana Jovanović Šanta
- Project type: Bilateral Cooperation Serbia – Belarus
- Period of realization: 2020-2021
- Project title: Research on Failure Mechanism and Prediction of Automotive Power Battery under Repeated Impact
- Project number: 451-02-818/2021-09/07
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Ningbo University of Technology, China
- Status in the project: Coordinator (Serbian side)
- Project leader: Snežana Papović
- Project type: Bilateral Cooperation Serbia – China
- Period of realization: 2021-31.12.2023
- Project title: Structure Investigation and Physical Properties of Alkali Metal Rare-Earth Silicates and Transition Metal Complexes with Schiff Base Ligands
- Project number: 451-03-02141/2017-09/14
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)), Vinča Institute of Nuclear Science, Faculty of Mining and Geology (Belgrade) and University of Innsbruck
- Project leader: Marko Rodić
- Project type: Bilateral collaboration Serbia – Austria
- Period of realization: 2018-2020
- Project title: Target-specific Screening of New Activity Modulators of Human Sterol-Hydroxylases
- Project number:
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Science of Belarus
- Project leader: Suzana Jovanović Šanta
- Project type: Bilateral collaboration Serbia – Belarus
- Period of realization: 2018-2019
- Project title: The Potential Use of Biomass for Sequestration of Organic Pollutants in Soil/Sediment
- Project number: 451-03-02141/2017-09/13
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and University of Vienna
- Project leader: Snežana Maletić
- Project type: Bilateral collaboration Serbia – Austria
- Period of realization: 2018-2020
- Project title: Danube Framework for responsible Research and Innovation using Socio-Technical Integration (D-STIR)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Valerija Gužvanj
- Project type: INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme
- Period of realization: 2017-2019
- Project title: Cancer Nanomedicine – from the Bench to the Bedside
- Project number: CA COST Action CA17140
- Institutions participating in the project:|Name:parties
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Aleksandar Đorđević
- Project type: COST action
- Period of realization: 2018-2022
- Project website:
- Project title: Exchange on Ionic Liquids
- Project number: COST CM-1206
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), DTU Chemistry (Lyngby, Denmark), etc.
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Slobodan Gadžurić
- Project type: COST action
- Period of realization: 2014-2018
- Project title: New and emerging challenges and opportunities in wastewater reuse (NEREUS)
- Project number: COST action NEREUS ЕС1403
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NIREAS-International Water Research Center, School of Engineering University of Cyprus, etc.
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Ivana Ivančev-Tumbas
- Project type: COST action
- Period of realization: 2014-2018
National Projects
- Project title: Augmented and virtual reality in chemistry, biochemistry and environmental protection education (VIRTUHEM)
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project leader: Tatjana Đaković Sekulić
- Project type: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MPNTR) – program activity Higher Education Development
- Period of realization: 2021-2022
- Project title: Organic chemistry in the profession and science (DOH)
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Andrea Nikolić
- Project type: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MPNTR) – program activity Higher Education Development
- Period of realization: 2021-2022
- Project title: Application of Hydroinformatics in Water Resource Management to Improve Arsenic Risk Assessment and Remediation Approaches for Serbian Water Sources (HYDRA)
- Project number: 6485164
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and KWR Water Research Institute, Holland
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project leader: Jasmina Agbaba
- Project type: Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia– Serbian Science and Diaspora Collaboration Programme: Knowledge Exchange Vouchers
- Period of realization: 2020-2023
- Project website:
- Project title: Carbon Capture By Self-Drying Schiff Base Mofs (CASCH-MOF)
- Project number: 6066708
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Marko Rodić
- Project type: Science Fund – Program for excellent projects of young researchers (PROMIS)
- Period of realization: 2020-2022
- Project title: Scientific Research Programme in 2021
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project type: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MPNTR)
- Period of realization: 2021-2021
- Project title: Scientific Research Programme in 2020
- Project number: 451-03-68/2020-14/200125
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project type: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MPNTR)
- Period of realization: 2020-2020
- Project title: Implementing virtual and augmented reality in bachelor studies at the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection at the Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad (VRH)
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Jasna Adamov
- Project type: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MPNTR) – program activity Higher Education Development
- Period of realization: 2020-2021
- Project title: Biologically Active Natural Products as Potential Sources of New Drugs and Dietary Supplements
- Project number: OI172058
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Medicine (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Neda Mimica Dukić
- Project type: Fundamental research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Design, Synthesis, Characterisation and Assessment of Practical Applications of Coordination and Organometallic Compounds
- Project number: OI172014
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Technology (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Katalin Mesaroš Sečenji
- Project type: Fundamental research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Investigating Nanostructured Materials as Potential Heterogeneous Catalysts for Some Sustainable Processes
- Project number: OI172059
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Goran Bošković
- Project type: Fundamental research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Pedagogical Pluralism as a Basis of Education Strategy
- Project number: OI179036
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Philosophy (Novi Sad), Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), et al.
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Radovan Grandić
- Project type: Fundamental research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Study of Synthesis, Structure and Activity of Natural and Synthetic Organic Compounds
- Project number: OI172013
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy (Belgrade) and Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Dušan Mijin
- Project type: Fundamental research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Sustainable and Green Chemistry Approach to the Development of Environmentally Friendly Analytical Methods and Energy Storage
- Project number: OI172012
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Slobodan Gadžurić
- Project type: Fundamental research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Synthesis and Biological Testing of New Mimics or Derivatives of Selected Cytotoxic Lactones, Antitumor Agent Tiazofurin and Natural Naphthenic Acids
- Project number: OI172006
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), Faculty of Technology (Novi Sad) and Institute of Food Technology (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Velimir Popsavin
- Project type: Fundamental research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Synthesis, Characterisation and Biological Investigation of Steroid Derivatives and their Molecular Aggregates
- Project number: OI172021
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Medicine (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Marija Sakač
- Project type: Fundamental research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: The Development of Monitoring Methods and the Removal of Biologically Active Substances Aimed at Improving the Quality of the Environment
- Project number: OI172042
- Institutions participating in the project: Veterinary Institute (Novi Sad), Faculty of Agriculture (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Biljana Abramović
- Project type: Fundamental research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: The Quality of Education System in Serbia from the European Perspective
- Project number: OI179010
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), Faculty of Philosophy (Novi Sad), Faculty of Education(Sombor) and Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty (Subotica)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Olivera Gajić
- Project type: Fundamental research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Water Matrix and Physico-Chemical Properties of Relevant Organic Xenobiotics: Implications on Ecotoxicity in Selected Water Treatment Processes
- Project number: OI172028
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Ivana Ivančev-Tumbas
- Project type: Fundamental research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Improving Sediment Remediation Technologies for Water Protection
- Project number: TR37004
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Technology (Novi Sad), Faculty of Technical Sciences (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Srđan Rončević
- Project type: Technological development
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Development of New Encapsulation and Enzyme Technologies for the Production of Biocatalysts and Biologically Active Food Components in order to Increase its Competitiveness, Quality and Safety
- Project number: III46010
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), Faculty of Technology (Novi Sad), Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy (Belgrade) et al.
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Branko Bugarski and Zorica Knežević Jugović
- Project type: Integrated and interdisciplinary research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Functional, Functionalized and Advanced Nanomaterials
- Project number: III45005
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Agriculture (Novi Sad), Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), Faculty of Medicine (Novi Sad) and Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Integrated and interdisciplinary research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Improving Remediation Technologies and Developing Methods for the Risk Assessment of Contaminated Sites
- Project number: III43005
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Agriculture (Novi Sad), Faculty of Technical Sciences (Novi Sad), Faculty of Technology (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Božo Dalmacija
- Project type: Integrated and interdisciplinary research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Infrastructure for Technology Enhanced Learning in Serbia. Subproject: Infrustructure for Collaborative Creation and Adaptive Use of Digital Educational Content
- Project number: III47003
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Organizational Sciences (Belgrade), Faculty of Philosophy (Novi Sad), Faculty of Technical Sciences (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Vladan Devedžić
- Project type: Integrated and interdisciplinary research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Multiscalar Structuring of Polymer Nanocomposites and Functional Materials by Applying Different Precursors
- Project number: III45022
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Technology (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Jaroslava Budinski-Simendić
- Project type: Integrated and interdisciplinary research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
- Project title: Research on Climate Change and its Impact on the Environment – Monitoring of Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation
- Project number: III43007
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Forestry (Belgrade), Institute of Lowland Forestry (Novi Sad), Faculty of Medicine (Novi Sad), Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (Novi Sad), Faculty of Agriculture (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Ratko Kadović
- Project type: Integrated and interdisciplinary research
- Period of realization: 2011-2019
Projects of the Provincial Secretariats of the AP Vojvodina
- Project title: Biologically Active Components and Medicinal Potential of Functional Foods Cultivated in Vojvodina
- Project number: 114-451-2149/2016
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Neda Mimica-Dukić
- Project type: APV long-term projects
- Period of realization: 2016-2020
- Project title: Circardian Changes of Body Structure in Athletes and General Population
- Project number: 114-451-1639/2016
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sports and Physical Education (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Patrik Drid
- Project type: APV long-term projects
- Period of realization: 2016-2020
- Project title: Development of Advanced Ecological Procedures in Waste Water Treatment on the Territory of AP Vojvodina
- Project number: 114-451-2291/2016
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Technology (Novi Sad), Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) i Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Jelena Prodanović
- Project type: APV long-term projects
- Period of realization: 2016-2020
- Project title: Development of the Model for Prioritization of Landfills for Closure and Remediation in AP Vojvodina Based on the Environment Risk Assesment
- Project number: 114-451-2249/2016
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Technical Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Dejan Krčmar
- Project type: APV long-term projects
- Period of realization: 2016-2020
- Project title: Inspection of Transport Mechanisms of Pollutants and Development of In-situ and Ex-situ Remediation Methods within the Zone of River Bank Filtration, as the Base for Implemenation of Strategy of Water Supply and Water Protection in AP Vojvodina
- Project number: 114-451-2263/2016
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Jasmina Agbaba
- Project type: APV long-term projects
- Period of realization: 2016-2020
- Project title: Comparison of Photocatalytic Efficiency of Zr/Fe3O4 and Si/ZrO2 Nanopowders for the Degradation of Biologically Active Compounds Present in the Environment under Simulated Sunlight Irradiation
- Project number: 142-451-2727/2017
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Biljana Abramović
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2017-2018
- Project title: Construction of the spectral library of the land of Vojvodina with the purpose of connecting with global systems for assessing the quality of land based on artificial intelligence
- Project number: 142-451-2198/2022
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project leader: Branislav Jović
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2022-2023
- Project title: Design and synthesis of new porous coordination polymers for carbon dioxide adsorption
- Project number: 142-451-2197/2022
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project leader: Mirjana Radanović
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2022-2023
- Project title: Determining the Needs for Basic and Further Training of Teachers at the University of Novi Sad in order to Build up their Teaching Competence
- Project number: 142-451-2511/2019
- Institutions participating in the project: UNS, Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Philosophy (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Sanja Podunavac Kuzmanović
- Project type: APV short-term – Raising the Quality of Teaching and International Cooperation at UNS
- Period of realization: 2019-2020
- Project title: Development and optimization of photoreactor prototypes for wastewater treatment loaded with organic effluents in the territory of AP Vojvodina
- Project number: 142-451-2227/2022
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project leader: Nemanja Banić
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2022-2023
- Project title: Development of personalized anatomical inserts with a sensor system to help rehabilitate patients
- Project number: 142-451-3261/2020
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Technical Sciences (Novi Sad), Faculty of Medicine (Novi Sad), Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin” (Zrenjanin)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Dejan Movrin (Diandra Pintać)
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2020-2021
- Project title: Development of steroid derivatives of potential biomedical importance
- Project number: 142-451-2309/2021-01
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Ivana Kuzminac
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2021-2022
- Project title: Formulation and Microbiological Testing of New Liquid Components for Enrichment of Nutrient-deficient Foods Necessary in the Diet of the Population of AP Vojvodina
- Project number: 142-451-2422/2019
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Medicine (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Ljiljana Suvajdžić
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2019-2020
- Project title: Functional products from Vojvodina truffles – biochemical potential, chemical composition and sensory properties of ingredients as a basis for new formulations
- Project number: 142-451-3112/2020
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Medicine (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Ivana Beara
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2020-2021
- Project title: Graphene-based nanomaterial – a new approach to the removal of heavy metals from water
- Project number: 142-451-2356/2022
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Coordinator
- Project leader: Malcolm Watson
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2022-2023
- Project title: Implementation of technological processes of berry fruit processing in order to obtain new products for increased market needs
- Project number: 142-451-2418/2021
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Technology (Novi Sad), UNSPMF (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Marija Radojković (Ivana Beara, UNSPMF team)
- Project type: APV Short-term
- Period of realization: 2021-2022
- Project title: New Liquid Formulations for the Repair of the Arable Land Structure and their Impact on Growth and Yield of Selected Plant Species of Importance for Sustainable Development of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
- Project number: 142-451-2766/2018-01
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Milan Vraneš
- Project type: APV short-term projects
- Period of realization: 2018-2019
Organic Phosphorous Pesticides in Agroecosystem of Vojvodina – Transport and Biodegradable Potential
- Project title: Organic Phosphorous Pesticides in Agroecosystem of Vojvodina – Transport and Biodegradable Potential
- Project number: 142-451-2813/2018-01
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Marijana Kragulj Isakovski
- Project type: APV short-term projects
- Period of realization: 2018-2019
- Project title: Potential of Biomass Utilization for Sequestration of Organic Pollutants in Soil/Sediment
- Project number: 142-451-3597/2017
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Snežana Maletić
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2017-2018
- Project title: Removal of synthetic dyes in the presence of microplastics in advanced wastewater treatment
- Project number: 142-451-3186/2020
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Technical Sciences (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Miljana Prica (Jasmina Agbaba)
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2020-2021
- Project title: Synthesis and Characterization of New Adsorbents for Arsenic Removal from Water
- Project number: 142-451-2826/2017
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Aleksandra Tubić
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2017-2018
- Project title: Testing the presence of selected UV filters from cosmetic preparations in pool waters on the territory of AP Vojvodina
- Project number: 142-451-3167/2020
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Snežana Papović
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2020-2021
- Project title: Thermo-analytical Studies of Decomposition of Municipal Plastic Waste in Vojvodina
- Project number: 142-451-2329/2019
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Berta Barta Holo
- Project type: APV short-term
- Period of realization: 2019-2020
- Project title: Valorization of Microalgae Biomass Obtained in Wastewater Treatment
- Project number: 142-451-2576/2019
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Technology (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Partner
- Project leader: Jelena Vladić
- Project type: APV short-term projects of special interest for sustainable development in AP Vojvodina
- Period of realization: 2019-2020
Project of Local Governments
- Project title: Air pollution indicators – priority and emerging substances content in the rainwater of Novi Sad
- Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
- Status in the project: Owner
- Project leader: Jasmina Agbaba
- Project type: The City of Novi Sad – Environmental Protection Office
- Period of realization: 2020-2021