Project title: Mathematical Tools for Decision Making
Project number: 142-451-2838/2017
Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), Faculty of Technology (Novi Sad), Faculty of Technical Sciences (Novi Sad) and Novi Sad School of Business (Novi Sad)
Project title: Developing New Methods of Distributed Communication and Information Processing in 5G Internet of Things: Pilot Project of Preparing EU H2020 Applications
Project number: 142-451-2787/2017-01
Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Technical Sciences (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
Project title: Agricultural, Food and Gastronomic Products in the Function of Tourism Development in Vojvodina with the Focus on Authentic and Safe Food
Project number: 142-451-2669/2017-01
Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
Project title: Origins and evolution of life on Earth and in the Universe (ORIGINS)
Project number: COST Action TD1308
Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux, Floirac, France and more than 20 other institutions
Project title: New and emerging challenges and opportunities in wastewater reuse (NEREUS)
Project number: COST action NEREUS ЕС1403
Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NIREAS-International Water Research Center, School of Engineering University of Cyprus, etc.