On December 25, 2023, the national awards “For Women in Science” for 2023 were awarded, and out of three, two winners are from the Faculty of Sciences. The awards were given to: Ana S. Dobrota, Isidora Kešelj and Milica Radaković.

Isidora Kešelj is Assistant Professor in the field of Animal Physiology at the Department of Biology and Ecology, and her work is based on finding solutions for male infertility.

Our focus is on men and we treat male infertility. We want to see how it can be solved and the government is supporting our research. The projects we implement are also supported by the government. In the world of science, women have their place. There are a lot of us in Serbia.

Isidora Kešelj

Milica Radaković works at the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, dealing with climate and environmental change research, and this award will contribute to further advancement of her work.

The award means a lot to me and contributes to expanding my knowledge of science and my results even more.

Milica Radaković

The National Awards ceremony within the thirteenth cycle of the L’Oréal-UNESCO program “For Women in Science” was organized by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, the Commission of the Republic of Serbia for Cooperation with UNESCO and the L’Oréal Balkan company. Through this program, female scientists receive funds for the realization of their research projects (€5,000 each).

Previously, Marija Lesjak and Snežana Papović from the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection, Mirjana Ćuk and Nevena Veličković from the Department of Biology and Ecology and Jelena Aleksić from the Department of Mathematics and Informatics have received this scholarship.