The Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad has established the first virtual exchange collaboration via COIL Connect network with The Catholic University of Manizales, Colombia.
The virtual exchange collaboration will be realized through General English classes and English for Geosciences classes by our professor Stanka Radojičić from the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management and Adriana Maria Ramirez Garcia, a professor at the Catholic University of Manizales, Colombia. The overall topic of the collaboration will be UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 15 ‘Life on Land’ which will connect 14 Health (Bacteriology) students from the Colombian university and 14 + 9 students of Geography and Geoinformatics from the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad. Students will examine and compare the realization of this UN goal in their countries and present at the final online mini-conference. The collaboration will be done through joint tasks synchronously and asynchronously using a variety of digital tools.