Technological changes and the market stimulate educational institutions to offer broader and more modern educational opportunities. The most frequent method that can help achieve this is e-learning. This process entails a situation in which the lecturer and students are physically separated, communicating via technical devices for voice and video transfer, usually in combination with face to face communication.
This approach can also be used in lifelong learning and distance learning, can be an additional chance for learning new skills, or be used for in-house training.
This opportunity was recognized by the Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad almost two decades ago and since then we have worked on the implementation of technical solutions which enable successful teaching via the Internet, most often in the hybrid mode, i.e. supported by traditional teaching process at the Faculty.
ePMF – E-learning support system at the Faculty of Sciences
ePMF is based on an open source learning platform Moodle. The platform has been used since 2004. It was first used as a support system to traditional teaching at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics, primarily for informatics courses, with excellent results, and it has become an indispensible learning tool for supporting traditional teaching, so its popularity has spread to other departments.
Our Faculty’s Moodle installation has been available to all teaching staff, assistants and students at all faculty departments since 2011. It has been used for:
- teaching via the Internet,
- interpersonal communication,
- simple electronic distribution of teaching materials,
- easier organization of the teaching process,
- various forms of testing students’ knowledge,
The platform is available at the following link:
The access to its content is granted only to teaching staff, assistants and students at the Faculty of Sciences:
- Students have access with the same user parameters that they use for accessing students services where they can apply for their exams. This service offers the registration of new users and the retrieval of the lost password.
- Teaching staff and assistants use their official faculty account which enables access to all faculty services (email, eduroam, etc).
Services and References
In addition to developing e-learning for its own purposes, specialist staff at the Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad, have a valuable experience in offering e-learning services to other institutions, in the following domains:
- hosting platforms for e-learning, primarily based on the Moodle e-learning platform,
- technical support for platform users,
- instructional design (development of e-learning teaching materials),
- organizing training for students, teachers and administrators how to use such platforms.
Training can be organized for:
- students/pupils/employees who would attend e-courses; when they complete the training, participants will be able to use electronic content freely and fulfill their study/programme requirements via the Internet;
- teachers/ prospective authors of the electronic teaching materials will be taught how to create electronic courses (lessons, tests, etc.) and design them according to modern standards in this domain, track student progress, coordinate their work and send timely feedback information;
- Moodle platform administrators – upon the completion of the training, participants will learn how to start the e-learning platform on the local or remote Web server, how to maintain or expand the system with optional add-ons, manage and control the system in terms of user accounts and authorizations at all levels, follow event on the platform and prevent potential external threats…
Training sessions are usually organized for groups in the traditional environment in our computer centres or in the participants’ offices, and can be partially or completely realized via the Internet by applying flexible synchronic and synchronic teaching techniques.
Our references in the e-learning domain:
- Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
- Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia
- Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Serbia
- Grammar School “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” in Novi Sad
- IPA project (“Razvionica”)
Živana Komlenov Mudrinski, Moodle administrator/certified instructional designer
Department of Mathematics and Informatics/Department of Physics, new building, 2nd floor, Office No. 3, +381-21-485-2872