The Faculty of Sciences of the University of Novi Sad (UNSPMF) has been recognized as an innovator due to a recently completed project funded by the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 called I-BiDaaS.

The main researcher and project coordinator at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad (UNSPMF) is  Prof. Dušan Jakovetić  of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics.

European Commission Innovation Radar, after analyzing the project results of the I-BiDaaS Project, has reached a conclusion that UNSPMF, together with the partner BARCELONA SUPERCOMPUTING CENTER, is the key innovator in developing the innovation categorized as:

Innovation Title: ADMM Machine Learning Algorithms;

Market Maturity of the Innovation: Market Ready;

Market Creation Potential of the innovation: Addresses needs of existing markets.