Project title: Development of Advanced Ecological Procedures in Waste Water Treatment on the Territory of AP Vojvodina
Project number: 114-451-2291/2016
Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Technology (Novi Sad), Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) i Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (Novi Sad)
Project title: Development of the Model for Prioritization of Landfills for Closure and Remediation in AP Vojvodina Based on the Environment Risk Assesment
Project number: 114-451-2249/2016
Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Technical Sciences (Novi Sad)
Project title: Radionuclides in Drinking Water and Incidence of Cancer in Vojvodina
Project number: 114-451-2405/2016
Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), Oncology Institute of Vojvodina (Sremska Kamenica), Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Technical Sciences (Novi Sad)
Project title: Inspection of Transport Mechanisms of Pollutants and Development of In-situ and Ex-situ Remediation Methods within the Zone of River Bank Filtration, as the Base for Implemenation of Strategy of Water Supply and Water Protection in AP Vojvodina
Project number: 114-451-2263/2016
Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)
Project title: Incidence of Undesirable Cardiovascular Events Caused by Radiotherapy of the Left- Breast Cancer in Female Patients in Vojvodina and their Prevention by the Introduction of New Methods of Radiotherapy
Project number: 114-451-2076/2016
Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Medicine (Novi Sad)
Project title: Efficient, Selective, Non-toxic Antitumor Therapy by Nanoencapsulation, Aimed Targeting of Anticancer Targets and PET/CT Monitoring of Patients
Project number: 114-451-2092/2016
Institutions participating in the project: Faculty of Medicine (Novi Sad) and Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad)