Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad
  +381-21-450-104         +381-21-459-696

About the department

From its beginnings, the Department for Geography, Tourism, and Hotel Management has greatly invested into its own development by continuously following latest trends so it has positioned itself among the well-known European scientific institutions and has become appreciated for its scientific and educational achievements over more than 50 years of its existence.

  • Chair of Gastronomy
  • Chair of Geo-ecology
  • Chair of Hotel Management
  • Chair of Hunting Tourism
  • Chair of Physical Geography
  • Chair of Regional Geography
  • Chair of Social Geography
  • Chair of Tourism

The studies at the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management are organised at all levels of university education:

Bachelor of Science Degrees

Master of Science Degrees

PhD Degrees

In addition to classroom lectures, compulsory activities of the study programmes are field trips and professional practice where students acquire practical experience necessary for their future careers. Field classes and professional practice are carried out in the country and abroad. Students can also pursue research activities through their participation in the Society of Young Geography Researchers “Branislav Bukurov” and the branch of the European Geography Association (“EGEA”) for Students and Young Geographers in Novi Sad.

Opportunities after graduation

Numerous opportunities open up for students upon graduation. Depending on the module they completed, they can find jobs easily in schools, universities, scientific-research centres, hydro-meteorological or geodesy institutes, tourist organisations, travel agencies, hotels, hostels, restaurants, hunting resorts, hunting associations, national parks, nature resorts, etc.

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